Size: 5 Gallon Pail Harvest Your Honey Quickly And Easily With Honey-B-Gone RepellentFeatures: 16oz comes with adjustable trigger sprayer Made of natural oils Non-harmful to bees when used as directedUse:If you’ve had trouble finding a bee repellant that works efficiently and effectively, this Honey-B-Gone repellent is the product foryou. This 100% natural repellent has none of the nasty odors usually associated with bee repellents, and won’t leave your bees disoriented or distressed. Using the adjustable sprayer, you can use only as much as you need, and you’ll be able to gather your honey in no time. After more than three years of testing and development, Honey-B-Gone is excited to give beekeepers a safe, natural solution to their honey harvesting needs.This innovative repellent works great in conjunction with our uncappingrollers, which are available withplasticandmetalneedles.[tab]8 Weight5 lbs Dimensions 8 1.75 1.75 in16 Weight 1.00 lbs Dimensions 8 2.75 2.75 in1 Gallon Weight 10.00 lbs Dimensions 7 7 14 in
Blythewood Bee Company Honey B Gone Honeybee Repellant Size: 5 Gallon Pail

Category: Beekeeping Supplies